15, 2021
NED, LORD OF THE PIT volume 2 Kikckstarter campaign is now running. CLICK HERE If you missed the first volume, don't worry. There's levels to get that too, or even on it's own. And there are COMMISSION pledge levels, as well as ORIGINAL PAGES from volume 1 available. And even a chance to get drawn into the book as a background character. Thanks for checking it out.
4, 2021
DRINK & DRAW! hmmm... Which comes first? Friday, March 5th, at 9:30 pm EST, I'll be doing a virtual Drink & Draw for the Hero Initiative charity. Here's the links they sent so you can tune in to the fun. And I will be drinking... Alone... In my studio.... damn Covid. youtube or Mainrame
6, 2020
I have been derelict updating the front page here. Many apologies. I've been so wrapped up in NED, Lord of the Pit. But the book is finally off to the printers, and a promised delivery to me by the 17th of December is still on track. I'll be furiously shipping to try and get them all out before the end of the year. THERE'S STILL TIME if you missed it. Just go to nedlordofthepit.com The IndieGoGo site stays open as a little storefront, which is a cool feature.
9, 2019
NED, LORD of the PIT funded. It's been a little while; I know, I've been busy working on NED since it got funded, so I forgot to update. For anyone who missed the campaign and still wants to get a copy of the now 160 PAGE graphic novel, just go to this address: nedlordofthepit.com The finished campaign acts as a store-front until I publish, so there's still time to get in on it. (There's only the option for the book here, so no sketch-level perks. If you're interested in a commission too, just e-mail me. I'm open for commissions; just have to be a little patient for those as I'm really working hard on NED.) On other fronts: starting to work on my con schedule for next year and will hopefully post soon...
28, 2019
THEY'RE COMING FAST AND FURIOUS Next show is already here! This weekend I'll be at the INDIANA COMIC CON at the Indiana Convention Center. I'll be at table G18 in the Artist Alley. If you're at the show, definitely stop by. I don't bite much.
8, 2019
I'VE GOT A NEW KICKSTARTER RUNNING! It's my own project, a supernatural-comedy titled NED, Lord of the Pit. the tag line is "A comedy of terrors". Please click the link below to check it out. NED, Lord of the Pit
15, 2019
SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON is here again! Comes faster every year. I'll be at my usually booth, 4301 down in hall F. If you're in town for the show, stop by! Coolness....
27, 2019
The NORTH DALLAS COMIC BOOK SHOW is this weekend! Saturday and Sunday. I'll be there. If you are too, stop by and say HI.
4, 2019
LATE ADDITION!!-- I'll be at HEROESCON in Charlotte, June 14-16. I was added late to the show; if you're in town stop by the show and my table in Artist Alley.
13, 2019
MOTOR CITY COMIC CON!! The show's here, this weekend. Came quick. I'll be at table A14-A15. Stop by and say HI.
20, 2019
C2E2 TIME! Getting ready to head out to the Chicago show; my first con of the year. I'm at table C1 in Artist Alley. If you at the show, stop by and say HI.
7, 2019
MAAAAANNNN-- Time is a bitch. I barely turn around and it's already three months into the new year. Jeez. Anyway, some updates to the site: CONS & SUCH- The list for this year's appearance schedule is up; several are tentative, so check back. And the list seems to get late additions every year. The PORTFOLIO page has been updated. Besides being easier to look at the thumbnails, the images have been changed to be more comic book centered. (It was admittedly a little idiosyncratic before.) CROOKS & NANNIES has come to an end... sort of. Check out the "last" strip. That's it for now. More frequent announcements this year. I promise.
26, 2018
It's BALTIMORE COMIC CON time again!Always look forward to this weekend. One of the best shows for pure comics fans. I'll be at booth 109. Stop by and say HI if you're in town.
6, 2018
AND THEY KEEP COMING FAST AND FURIOUS After three days to recover from the awesomeness of AWESOMECON, this weekend is C2E2. I'm at B1 in Artist Alley. If you're in town... Now off to pack.
26, 2018
FINALLY-- My con schedule is up here (CONS & SUCH): check it out. A couple are still tentative; should have them firmed up at some point. And I'm still looking to add a couple. Check back later. AWESOMECON in DC is this weekend. I know it's Passover AND Easter, but if you have time, come by. It's a really good show. And while trying to survive 4 Nor'easters in three weeks, lots of snow and downed tree limbs, I've been concentrating on a new creator owned project (all my own). I want to have 3/4 of it done before heading to Kickstarter with it. I'll start posting status reports and some art in the next few weeks. MEANWHILE- I'm filling the extra time with commissions, so if you've been thinking about a black and white, or even a splatter painting original, now's the time to ask. More soon
5, 2017
PORTLAND BOUND Rose City Comicon is this weekend; first time ever attending. Looks to be a great show. Good line up of guests. If you're in the area, stop and see me. Table HH-01 in the alley. Come inside and avoid the wildfires...
17, 2017
SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON IS HERE.. again. Jeez, time is a fast little bugger if you're not keeping an eye on him! Anyone fortunate enough to go -- And, yes, I still have fun there, even with the overwhelming crowds, and the moments of asking myself where the hell are the comics? It's a great city, great weather, and a spectacle to behold. So, if you're going this year come see me in my regular booth, 4301, all the way down in Hall F… or E… or whatever the alphabet of halls ends at. Now off to fly the semi-friendly skies...
19, 2017
CHICAGO HERE I COME C2E2 starts friday. The first con of my 2017 season (yes, I know my con schedule page hasn't been updated yet; sorry; been waiting for a few final confirmations). The trip to Australia and OZCon was really my first of the season, but it was a very last minute trip, and unexpected. (It was a great show and time, by the way. Carissa and Rand who run the show do a fantastic job, and really know how to treat the guests.) So if you're attending the Chicago show, stop by.
17, 2017
ATTENTION AUSTRALIA !!! I've just been invited at the last minute to the next two Oz Con shows (Perth--March 25 & 26 and Adelaide--April 1 & 2)! How could I say no? Anybody going, please stop by and say "hi". Meantime, I'm just finalizing the rest of initial my Con Schedule. The CONS page will be updated when I return home, so check back some time after Apr 5th or so. (Been asked a few times, so just putting this up front, I will not be at Boston this year.) Now I'm getting ready for 25 hour travel time. Weeeee….
6, 2017
HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL. The new year got here way to fast! We wrapped the second volume of LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS late last year, and the trade should be on the stands January 16th (if you missed the mini from Dark Horse). We're taking an extended break between volume 2 and volume 3, so: For anyone interested, and after a long time, I AM OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR AT HOME COMMISSIONS. Not sure how long it'll last, but I'm trying my best not to take any other regular work during the hiatus so I can concentrate on a couple of other creator owned projects I've got brewing. If not interested, but would still like to see some of the commissions I am doing, check out my Facebook page. I'll be posting there as I complete them. More soon...
1, 2016
BALTIMORE COMICON this weekend! Great show; lots of fun. I'm back after a year hiatus from the show, so if you're in town, stop by.
LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS update: Issue 6 is done; just approved the final letters. Should be on the stands soon. It's a big slam bang final issue, and brutal as hell, so I think it's worth the wait. Gail and I are already planning the next volume in the saga.
Off to Baltimore; Have a great Labor Day weekend.
Which means the summer's officially over…. damn.
18, 2016
OFF TO SAN DIEGO and the shit storm of COMIC CON. So many people, so little space. I'm packing right: painkillers; padded insoles; sleeping pills… It's a good thing I love the city. Perfect weather. I'll be in my usual booth, 4301, this time without my regular boothmate Mr McKone. I'm flying solo! (Hopefully he comes back next year…) If you're there for the show, stop by and see me (and my monolith of prints).
5, 2016
AND THAT'S A YEAR… I had taken so long to update the front page, and was so close, I had to wait until July 5th just to confirm how lazy I can be. Fortunately, not with work. And the year's been pretty full of stuff. The biggest is Gail and my sequel to Leaving Megalopolis, SURVIVING MEGALOPOLIS. The fifth issue from Dark Horse is on the stands (or should be); And I'm hard at work on the last issue. After that, the trade will be published. I'll post the release date when I have it. Besides discussing another mini with Dark Horse, we're also discussing another separate LM-related project for 2016 with them (which I can't say more about until it's all set). Other pages here had been updated earlier. CONS is up to date for 2016. CROOKS & NANNIES still rolls along. Lots of new images in PAINTINGS. And I am finally open for at-home commissions again. I know I've said it before, but I'll try and be a little more proactive with the front page. Don't give up on me.
4, 2015
4th of July! And I'm spending it packing for San Diego Comic-Con. Feels like I was just there. Been doing lots of shows, as well as starting volume 2 of LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS. (A special official announcement about that soon..) I've been too busy to turn around. But here's an important note for anyone going to SDCC: I'm participating in a HERO initiative fundraiser on wednesday (preview night) after the show. If you're in for the show, please stop by. It's a great cause. Here's the details And at the show, I'll be in my usual booth 4301 in Hall F, with Mike McKone (as usual again). See you there.
21, 2015
File under: SPOKE TOO DAMN SOON!! What the hell? Snow again?!
13, 2015
AND THE DAMN COLD IS FINALLY GONE!!! Some had it worse than here in New Jersey, but I never saw so many days below freezing ever. It was so cold in the basement studio I use for splatter painting, that I haven't done any commissions since December. I'm just hoping the snow is done.
Now I'm trying to get things in order for the rest of the year, which includes my con schedule. Check out CONS & SUCH for my preliminary appearance schedule through the end of the year.
Meanwhile, I ended my run on RED LANTERNS; a fun ride, and sad to say good bye to Guy Gardner. Everybody working on the book was great.
But that does give me time to get back to LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS. I know I've said it several times before, but really we are inches away from an official announcement on LM volume 2.
No, really.
7, 2014
AWESOMECON MILWAUKEE CANCELLED-- And I had just updated the CONS page! Sorry for anyone who planned to see me there, but the show was cancelled this week. Oh well. That means my convention season is over; no new shows until 2015. I'm firming up my dates now, and will post a new list on the CONS page as soon as possible. It also means I can relax for the rest of the year, and concentrate on RED LANTERNS (I'm on the book until at least issue 40). Except for Christmas and Hanukkah and Thanksgiving and my Anniversary and New Years and…..
OTHER UPDATE NEWS: Check out the PAINTINGS page. I added a bunch of recent paintings, as well as a shot of my working "method". I'm working on a big batch of new paintings, including ARCHANGEL, PSYLOCKE, more of the Lantern spectrum as I try to complete the set, and MAN-THING!
And Gail and I hope to have some news on the continuation of the LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS saga soon. Hopefully. Check back and see...
1, 2014
INDIANAPOLIS AWESOME CON! is this weekend. I'll be there all weekend. Come say HI.
In other news: Besides the Dark Horse edition of LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS, the digital edition is available from COMIXOLOGY. Click it and see.
MORE SOON, as well as a possible announcement about LM volume 2 (finally).
21, 2014
A QUICKIE BEFORE I JET OUT TO THE WEST COAST--- San Diego Comicon is here again. Seems like we just did this, didn't we? Anyway, I'll be in my usual booth with pal Mike McKone. Booth number 4301 down in hall F… the cool hall, where most of the artists are. If you're at the show, come by and say HI.
20, 2014
This weekend is WIZARD WORLD PHILADELPHIA; should be a lot of fun. Both Matt Smith and Karen Gillan will be media guests there; it'll be a madhouse. If you're going, stop by and say HI.
RED LANTERNS!! I've been popping in and out on Red Lanterns for DC this year, and now will be doing a little more. I'm currently working on the Red Lantern issue of Five Years Later, another leap-forward event from DC. Then I've been confirmed for an arc on RL; issue 35-37 which guest stars the New 52 NEW GODS. I'm a little lost on continuity, so I don't know what the new versions of them look like, but it should still be great fun.
LASTLY, on a personal note--- I just got back from a vacation in Italy, where I stopped in at a local Rome comic shop, CASA DEL FUMETTO, and met a real nice guy working there, Antonio Properzi, who spoke English, (a big plus since my Italian is nil). I was surprised to discover that DC and MARVEL don't print the foreign editions of their books, but have a third-party do that. It results in slight differences (beyond the translation of course). I picked up a copy of the trade for my GOTHAM UNDERGROUND. Bedsides the overall graphic design being different, there was a lengthy introduction, and bios (all of which I can't read). A really nice package.
1, 2014
WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE WEATHER?!! First New jersey gets bombed by snow, and now flooding rain. It's getting a little old…
Good news is we didn't lose power, and I could keep working. I've been pitching in on RED LANTERNS, and am working on issue 32 right now. (And I got to design a new Red Lantern for it!)
And if you missed it, I contributed to LEGENDS OF RED SONJA, and 8-pager written by Blair Butler. Cool story, by a real nice person who was big supporter of SECRET SIX back in the G4/ATTACK OF THE SHOW days.
Also, it's official: Dark Horse is going to handle the store edition of LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS. Releas is some time in September. (The digital edition should also be on sale soon at Comixology.)
Lastly, FREE COMIC BOOK DAY is this saturday, May 3rd; I'll be appearing as usual at AMAZING HEROES in Union NJ. If you're around, stop by and check it out.
19, 2013
ENVELOPES-ENVELOPES-ENVELOPES…. Been a busy couple months as LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS was finally printed and -for the most part- shipped. If you missed out on pledging the project, and won't be running into me at a comic con (that list for 2014 will be going up soon on the site) where I'll have some over-runs of the HC, there will be a couple other ways for you to get the book. We're discussing a softcover version of the book with a couple publishers; definitive word on which one when it happens. And we've agreed to have the digital edition handled exclusively by COMIXOLOGY. Both of those will be available in 2014, hopefully by winter's end.
In the meantime, I managed to squeeze in some work for DC. Check out RED LANTERNS 26, due out this month; and RED LANTERNS 27 next month (I only contributed 10 pages to #27, but it's pretty cool stuff).
Happy Holidays everyone.
9, 2013
And it came on fast. Where the hell did the summer go? Anyway, I'll be at table V2 in the Artist Alley Annex. Yep, they've got us all in that separate room down at the end of the building again; so if you're going to the show, I hope you'll make the trek out to see us. Pace yourself and bring plenty of water.....
20, 2013
SORRY SORRY SORRY. It's been incredibly hectic, what with conventions, finishing LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS (we are at the printer!), getting the CROOKS & NANNIES trade funded and shipped (if you missed the KICKSTARTER campaign, I have plenty of copies if you'd like to pick one up), and life in general. I've neglected website updates. But I'm back; and I'll be updating more frequently.
There are a couple new bits. I've added several more images to the PAINTINGS sections, and already have a bunch more to add, as the "splatter" commissions keep coming. In fact, there's even more paintings to come as I just had a client ask for 6 of the original JSA, which should be fun.
I've also added a color image to the APEX page. (There used to be a line saying COMING SOON on the page; I feel like I should put up COMING EVENTUALLY.) I always new and said that APEX would be a slow project, worked on in between regular gigs...
And convention season is winding down for the year. The last show for me is NEW YORK COMICON in October. If you're there, please stop by and say hi.
I am considering adding at least one more show before the end of the year, maybe two. I'll post it here if I do.
Good to be back. More soon.
15, 2013
DETROIT beckons--- As I'm finishing packing for the MOTOR CITY CON, just wanted to mention some con updates. I've added the TAMPA BAY COMICON August 23-25. And for those not yet aware of it, the BOSTON COMICON has been rescheduled for the weekend of August 3rd; I'll be there.
And anyone near Detroit... well. Novi, Michigan to be precise. Stop by the show and say hi.
15, 2013
I'M KICKING AGAIN. I've launched a new project on Kickstarter; a compilation of the first two years of CROOKS & NANNIES.You can check it out here. Make sure to watch the video; I got pretty silly. And if you like it and pledge, thanks very much. And if you spread the word, I'd be grateful.
FOR MEGALOPOLIS SUPPORTERS: just wanted to assure those backers of LM, this is taking no time out from work on that since C&N is work that's already done.
20, 2013
CON SCHEDULE (so far) is now posted in the CONS & SUCH. Amid the usual suspects are a couple new shows. I'm hoping to add some more. so check back every now and again.
See you there.
10, 2013
I did an interview for a cool site. You can check it out here. It's some general questions, and a little about Leaving Megalopolis. And you can find out what song I think would be perfect for the LM soundtrack.
8, 2013
CROOKS & NANNIES CALL FOR HELP---- It's been two years since I started my little strip here, and it's been fun just emptying my brain onto paper. I'm not stopping, (I have at least another year's worth roughed out in my little sketchbook already), but I am considering doing a printed trade/collection of the first two years, and I'm trying to figure which strip to put on the cover. The only thing I plan to stay away from is any of the extreme profanity or all-text ones, just because it's the cover.
So if anyone would like to pitch in, drop me an e-mail and let me know if you have a favorite(s), I'd appreciate the input. Thanks.
3, 2013
We made it without any Mayan Apocalypse! Woo-Hoo! It's been a crazy last half of the year with the success of the Kickstarter project, and all the work related to that. (And I've been remiss in updating here; sorry.) If you missed the project, you can check it out here. It's been a fun ride, and still a ways to go. And all worth it.
Leaving Megalopolis is all I'll be working on for the next couple months, so no other "job" news here; and that's fine with me. Gail and I want to make LM the best it can be.
My con schedule for the new year is taking shape, and I'll be posting it soon.
And for anyone who's been enjoying CROOKS & NANNIES, there should be an announcement here soon about a possible trade of the first two years. Hope your 2013 is a great one.
7, 2012
I LIED--- We managed to get everything squared away. The Kickstarter campaign for LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS is launched. You can check it out here Hope you like it, and feel you want to support. Thanks
3, 2012
THE KICKSTARTER PROJECT Gail Simone and I are preparing ISN'T running yet. There are so many little things to finalize that we didn't anticipate; even making the video was a new thing to me. So for everyone I've spoken with at shows about LEAVING MEGALOPOLIS, or who have talked to me about the press its gotten on-line, thanks for the enthusiasm... and the patience.
We plan to have the KS campaign up just before the Baltimore Comiccon, and end just after the New York Comiccon.
Meantime, here's the promo image for the story

9, 2012
SAN DIEGO COMIC CON is almost upon us. I'll be at my usual booth, 4301 in Hall F. Anyone going to the show, stop by and say hi to me, and regular booth-mate, Mike McKone.
It's a bit last minute, but I just finished a rush eight pages helping out on Green Lantern #12. So cool to finally get to do some GL.
Now on to packing....
18, 2012
CHARLOTTE HERE I COME-- Heroes Con is this weekend, and it'll be my first time ever. I've heard nothing but good about the show, so I expect a good time. If you're there, stop and say hi.
11, 2012
MOTOR CITY CON-- Next weekend I'll be in Detroit (or near Detroit again), doing the Motor City Con for the first time.
And finally my full CON SCHEDULE (at the moment) for 2012 is up in CONS. I'm doing more shows than usual this year, including my first time at HEROES in Charlotte. Check it out.
2, 2012
FREE COMIC BOOK DAY If anyone's near central Jersey on saturday, I'll be appearing at AMAZING HEROES in Union, 966 Stuyvesant ave, as I have the last three years. I'll be free-head-sketching my butt off.
WILD PIGS SHOW-- And sunday I'll be dropping by the Super Wildpig show at Embassy Suites in Piscataway. Come see me.
13, 2012
BOSTON COMICCON APR 21-22---- Next saturday and sunday I'll be appearing at the Boston show at the Hynes convention center. I didn't do the show last year, but heard it was a really good show.
And I've just been added as a guest for the Motor City Con May 18-20. Other than Chicago, I haven't appeared in that area; like my first Wondercon, I'm expecting stacks of books to sign.
22, 2012
NEW YORK COMICBOOK MARKETPLACE--- Next Saturday, March 31st, I'll be appearing at show at the Penn Plaza Pavillion. Check out the site here http://www.nycbm.com/ I'll be updating the CON section soon too with a tentative schedule for this year. See ya in NYC.
12, 2012
JEAN GIRAUD MOEBIUS is dead. I won't go into any long-winded praise of the artist, because I don't think I can begin to convey what his work meant to me. I'm just very sad.
21, 2011
HAPPY HOLIDAYS----- For anyone who might be interested, I recently came across a small stash of sketch-cover comics in my studio. (Yes, I did cave to my wife and finally straighten up the studio.) If anyone would like to get a commission on one of them, they're up for grabs. I have 2 WOLVERINE, 1 WOLVERINE-WEAPON X, 2 SECRET INVASION, and 1 CAPTAIN AMERICA-FALLEN SON. They are obviously first come, first serve.
13, 2011
APPEARANCE-- This weekend, December 18, I'll be appearing at a small one-day show in New Jersey. The EAST HANOVER COMIC BOOK EXPO at the Ramada Conference Center, 130 Route 10. If you're nearby, stop in and say hi.
1, 2011
NEW COMMISSION I recently finished this for a buyer who has an ongoing theme called "One Minute Later". He selects covers, and has artists draw the scene as he thinks it would appear one minute later. Cool idea. And since Hulk, Silver Surfer and Dr. Strange are my favorite Marvel characters, I aimed him at Defenders #3. It was a lot of fun.
He adds the logo and such to the image before posting it on CAF, so it should look cool. Here's the full illustration without logos.

31, 2011
OPEN FOR AT-HOME COMMISSIONS For the next couple of months, I'm opening my at-home commission list. I'm not sure how long this window will stay open, but if you're interested just e-mail me for pricing. And anyone who's inquired in the past, please contact me again.
And how depressing is it that summer is almost over!
2, 2011
OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS ComicCon in San Diego is a few weeks away. I'll be sharing a booth with Mike McKone as usual. It's booth 4301 down in hall F (where the illustrator booths and artist alley are located) in the front. If you're attending the show, come and see us.
If you're not able to attend the show, I'm opening my commission list again this year for anyone who wants a con sketch by mail. (San Diego is the only show where my list doesn't usually get filled up.) Drop me an e-mail if you're interested for rates on either full-figure or head sketches. I'll do the commission at the show, and mail it to you when I get home.
30, 2011
END OF THE LINE I just finished my last page of the last issue of Secret Six. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Hopefully we're going out with a bang. Issue 36 has more guest stars in it than I could've asked for. I had a ball drawing it; and working on Gail's script was as usual a blast.
Thanx to everyone who's stuck with the book. The enthusiasm for the book from fans at shows made those long days of sitting in artist alleys worth it.
15, 2011
SECRET SIX CANCELLED Yep, word has gotten out finally, through Gail's forum, that issue 36 of Secret Six will be the last, and SSix is not part of the DC relaunch plans.
Can only say I am disappointed. It was a fun book to work on; working with Gail was a ball. And it definitely was one the most critically successful books I've been on. And it did make a profit; just apparently not enough.
To everyone who's contacted or seen me at shows, I appreciate your letting me know how much you enjoyed the book.
And to anyone who I've seen over the last few months, and has asked me if the book was cancelled, sorry I had to fudge the truth. It was one of those not-allowed-to-tell situations.
As for what's next, I'm considering a couple projects; I'll mention it here when I have my next project set. Again, thanx to all the Secret Six fans.
22, 2011
FREE COMIC BOOK DAY-- MAY 7th Anyone who'll be in the area of Union New Jersey in a couple weeks, I'll be appearing at AMAZING HEROES comic shop on Stuyvesant Ave. Stop in and see me. I'll be signing and doing head sketches to go along with the free stuff.
See you there.
25, 2011
I'm appearing at a one day show in Pennsylvania next month. On March 19 I'll be at the Lehigh Valley Comic Con. If you're in the area, stop by and see me.
2, 2011
Welcome to a just completed small overhaul of the site. Lots of new; changes to almost every page including new ART FOR SALE, and two new LOSTs. And I've chucked the NEWS page, moving news items to the front page. So check here for the latest info. There's also two new pages to look at:
CROOKS & NANNIES is a new ongoing single-panel strip of gags, oddities and weirdities. There'll be a new strip every week, so check back each Friday for the next one.
APEX is a full blown superhero web-comic I'm working on. While I'm getting it rolling, for now there's the first piece of promo art (and the cryptic tag-line). Hope you like it. This is a personal project, done in my spare time, which being on a monthly book (SECRET SIX) isn't all that much. So progress may be slow, but hopefully it'll be worth the wait.
Thanx for stopping by.
4, 2011
Happy New Year. I'm hard at work on a semi-overhaul of this site. A couple buttons will be going away, and two new pages added: A weekly strip (of gags, oddities and non-sequiturs) and the first promo piece for a full-fledged web-comic I'm starting for the site.
I'm also updating almost every page, including a couple new LOST entries, and definitely some Secret Six art FOR SALE. So check back; hopefully it'll all be done by the end of the month. Oh, and most fun X-Mas gift I got: Lava lamp.
4, 2010
New York Comic Con is days away. Any one who's attending and wants to stop by and say "hello", you can find me sharing a booth with Mike McKone and Mark McKenna. We're in the same part of the hall as Artist Alley; the booth number is 439. See ya there.
9, 2010
This week, look for my next arc in Secret Six; should hit the stands wednesday. I'm on board for at least this four issue arc. We'll be dealing with some headaches and heartaches for Catman. There'll be a lot of action and blood... and a little sex.
8, 2010
Wow, I'm bad; I'll put stuff here more often. Promise!
26, 2009
Continuing my affair with all things Batman, look for my work in BATTLE FOR THE COWL -- MAN-BAT one-shot out the first week of April; then my second work on BATTLE FOR THE COWL comes out the second week of May with THE NETWORK one-shot. (Don't be confused if you don't see me listed in online art credits or solicitations; the credits are incomplete; Don Kramer handled the first 7 pages of the issue, and I finished out the rest.)
18, 2008
As I’m winding up work on the last issue of the BATGIRL mini, I’ve lined up my next project. At the risk of getting in a rut, it’s in the Bat-office again. I’m juiced for this one as it’ll be a first all-me interior, pencils and inks, in a while. The editor won’t let me say more about it, so I’ll post more info when I can.
16, 2008
I just completed a five-issue cover run on Batman and the Outsiders (#’s 10-14). I had a lot of fun with them. Here’s a sneak peak of 11, 12 and 13. (14 hasn’t been solicited yet, so I can’t show it.)